


Dear Sirs

Re: Trespass on My Land

I writing to you in relation to you trespassing onto my land at ${trespass_address} on ${trespass_date} . You entered onto the land without lawful authority to do so and conducted the following acts ${trespass_acts_conducted}

I confirm that I am the legal owner/ person in possession of that land and I hereby give you formal written notice that you are not allowed at any time in the future to enter onto this land without my express permission to do so.

If you fail to comply with this notification, I confirm that any further unjustifiable trespass onto my land will result in me commencing civil proceedings for damages and/or injunctive relief against you. The legal costs of such an application will also be claimed against you and I will draw this letter to the Courts attention upon any determination of costs.

I trust this letter clarifies the position to you and that no further trespass will occur on my land to avoid any Court proceedings being issued against you.

Yours faithfully
